Bjorn's GIF-text-ART-studio
Create amazing text art (headlines)
- a Google Docs extension -
Add-on for Google Docs and Google Slides.
Create eye-catching TEXT ART.
Add animations to make even more interesting.
Choose from and customize many text effects such as
There is no dedicated video for this app (yet) but please check out the YouTube for the Google Slides add-on version.
Check out screenshots and install from the Google web store.
Check out these other versions for other platforms.
This Google Docs add-on can be used FREE of charge.
Note - if you have installed the add-on and the add-on submenu only contains the 'Help' option - PLEASE RELOAD THE DOCUMENT - and the other options will appear.
Please report bugs here or reach out 2 me with questions @
Follow me at Instagram @bjornsplayground and check out more videos at my YouTube channel.
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